Stupid mosquitoes lah! Just a bit of rain and all of them rush to seek refuge in my house. In my ROOM. Then in my room they see this huge puddle of sweet blood sitting there doing nothing but typing on the keyboard and they all go and suck on the blood. Heck, I'm just sitting here getting eaten alive by MOSQUITOES (I am supposedly 10000 times bigger than one).
Anyway, because of how industrious I am (oh sure, does finishing 2 Meg Cabot books in 2 days count?), I've stopped coming online. I shall give a recount, a PERSONAL recount, of my past week:
Wen, Jia and Sa came over in the evening to play at my house x) First I arrived at Yishun MRT at 6pm and suggested we toured Northpoint while my mom got ready her beehoon. We oogled at lots of food and Cold Storage. Anyway, after finding out it was dangerously close to 7pm, we rushed back my home to watch Yi Tian Tu Long Ji. Stupid Zhou Zhiruo! Screamed in agony and threw cushions at the TV screen and at each other after eating the beehoon my mom cooked. It was fun.
After the show, we went downstairs to play with lanterns! Firstly we traipsed around the bottom of my flat (the blocks at Yishun Central have no void deck, underneath are all the shops, and it's not those kind of shophouses one) before deciding on the side of the big field just in front my block. We were equipped with tons of paper lanterns and candles. We crossed the field gingerly for fear of stepping on all the freaky snails hiding in the grass, camouflaged by the darkness of the night. Settled down on Jia's books and files (she helpfully supplied them so as not to dirty our precious pants) and started lighting up candles happily. We made a fool of ourselves (as usual) acting as vampires or something and pretending we were adventurers who hold up lanterns to light their way, while many cats watched us and 2 actually mated a distance away. Sa and Wen went to check them out and came back almost immediately saying that someone had dumped water over the cats from their apartment due to the racket the cats were making (well they WERE kind of wailing like babies). Felt sorry for the cats and we taked about how the cats should move under the block to avoid getting interrupted.
We also made some kind of a birthday "cake" for all of us. We sang Happy Birthday to each of us (from the oldest to youngest) and before the song was sang to the "birthday girl", the others would come up with a wish each for the birthday girl and we would observe a minute of silence to pray for that wish to come true. Then after the song was sang, the girl would blow out ONE candle out of the many lighted ones (Sasa blew out like half of them, but never mind). I was commenting that we were like a cult and people kept strolling past us and staring at us. We also (for fun) screeched out VA-NE-SSA CHE-ONG hoping Vanessa, who lived in the next block, would hear. But I guessed she didn't but we realised we were seated directly UNDER the window of a second storey apartment, and there were actually people in it. Oh God.
Anyway, we got Jia to play out her handphone ringtones during the cult rituals. We also executed flying kicks over the 2-7 sign Sa made out of lighted candles. It was so interesting n_n We would kick over the flames and do a 360 degree turn. Weeeeeeeee!
Around 10.15pm, we started clearing up the mess we'd made. One of the candles had actually burned a paper lantern to the ground and nobody realised (not a fire or anything, but the lantern was razed to the ground -_________-'') so we laid it to rest inside the Dumpster and saluted it. Scraping at wax with fingernails wasn't a good idea, thus in addition we used objects like keys and combs.
After some 15 mins, we finally got the place cleared up. Then we parted ways and I went home and realised Sasa'd forgotten to give Jia the stupid Guides cookies she'd brought to my house.
Mrs Lim started on Chapter 7! The class was majorly hypered. However, turned out what Mrs Lim said was a lot of gross stuff about pregnancy (oh my god. No wonder the birth rate in Singapore's so low. No sane woman, after going through education in Singapore, would be stupid enough to get pregnant. Do you know the stuff we learnt today?!)
Look, you stupid mosquito, if you don't do a U turn and fly out of the window right now, I am so going to Baygon you.
Anyway, Divek said that he'd read that the world record length of the male sexual organ was
24 inches. I am not kidding. That's what he said. TWENTY FOUR INCHES? Maybe it's CM. But if so why is everyone saying how theirs is 11 inches or whatever?! Mrs Lim was so gross, she was like saying how they must all wear really baggy pants to let it HANG. She said that!!! Oh GOD.
And we had our dumb music assesment today. I partnered Faris. HE was supposed to play the chords, we agreed on it last last week! NOW he pretends to not remember and I ended up playing chords too. GOD! We were like playing the thing through (after setting the speed to VERY SLOW) on the dumb prodikeys and I was like DE DE DE, DE DE DE to Jingle Bells (the song we were playing) to help me keep in rhythm, and then Ms KC Lau said it was our turn, and we were totally messed up and we got to the teachers table and sat down feeling screwed and Faris started the com's music and he started to play along and after the first key I pressed I was lost and I kept staring at the screen wondering where Faris was at and worst is that chords don't make any sounds! Then why the hell would you play chords?! Anyway, half the time I was just staring at the screen mumbling to myself while Faris messed up as well, and at least I got in a few correct ones and after the thing ended I remember getting out of there in a hurry we didn't even see how much percent the computer'd awarded us. OH GOD.
Ok forget all these horrid memories. After the thing ended Faris and I went back to fight over the computer and in the end he sat there playing all these stupid games (including this shooting alien planes one and I was like THAT'S OUR OWN! DON'T SHOOT and he would be like firing all the same as if his brain couldn't react) while I watched and laughed at him. heh.
Ok shall go back to my studies soon. I wanna go play some games first ;)