If you were wondering the absurdly longg interval between today's date and the lst date I blogged, well, I was busy.
It's the holidays! I can sleep in till noon and nobody will give a damn-
OH EEK. I finally saw the trailer for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. DANIEL RADCLIFFE AND RUPERT GRINT LOOK HIDEOUS WITH LONG HAIR! Their hair SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS. I want to get a pair of scissors and SNIP SNIP SNIP it ALL OFF.
But Emma Watson is so HORRIBLY. PRETTY. I hate Emma Watson!
Ok, I watched the trailer like thrice. I think the cute one is Cedric Diggory =D Nicely defined features, woohoo. Actually, Dan doesn't look that bad afterall, if you see him in light. But poor Rupert.. *sigh* It looks interesting. I'm dying to watch it! And I can't wait for the book to be released in July =D Together with All American Girl 2!
Oh, I got sunburnt today again. Thanks to the SRC Netball Carnival at Padang. I got demoralised looking at all the tall tall chio chio netballers (and might I add skinny) display skills completely beyond my reach.
Anyway, it's got to be the most appaling shade of red that has ever graced my skin. Every single one of us who left the Padang got fried, but apparently the Sun God dislikes me more because I am the REDDEST OF THEM ALL.
Ok, the ranting above was from 28th May. Today is *checks* 30th May. Blame the evils of msn ok! I fully had the aim of blogging that night.
Anyway, back to my skin. I was drying my hair last night when I realised my scalp hurt. The sun burnt my scalp. MY SCALP IS SUNBURNT.
Scratch DISLIKE. The Sun God HATES me.
I have been applying moisturizing cream to the fried parts of my skin twice everyday, but I know it is futile because I will not recover in time for the 6A chalet. That, and my hideous fringe. I shall have to meet the rest of them with bad skin and bad hair. My God.
Oh, and before the carnival was Sports Day. A complete and utter waste of time, as usual. Plus you have to deal with stinking, asshole-y teachers who think that just because your class flag isn't good enough to enter the second round, he has the right to completely disregard it, AND the people who are trying to explain the flag.
I would have told him that being a teacher means you have to own the quality ENCOURAGING, but I was suppressing the urge to hit him.
But why waste time on people who aren't worth it.
My sister brought back 16 tubs of Ben and Jerry's chocolate ice cream. *waits for screaming to stop* The company she was attached to had this warehouse of Ben and Jerry's which were going to expire on 14 Jun, so they gave them out free to all the staff. One tub costs like $11.50! God, I was excited. =D But my mom and her gave away like 10 that night, to relatives and neighbours and what not, so there were 6 left. Then I opened up one tub and ate 1/6 of it. The next night, after the carnival, I came back to realise there were only 2 tubs left. My sis had turned Santa Claus again, and my brilliant father finished the 5/6 left of MY tub in one night.
He ate 5/6 of 520ml in one night!
I wasn't sure whether I was more angry at him finishing my tub (MY tub! MY chocolate ice cream!) or more appalled at him consuming so much fat in a night (God, all that milk).
I get this headache whenever I think of the holiday homework >.< I have like SIX pieces of portfolio writing to do. In addition to the rest (oh God, just thinking of listing them out makes me tired. So I shalln't).
I'll go cook my maggi mee for lunch now. So see ya.