
19 happy years
born 1 May 1990
Chongfu Primary
Anderson Secondary
Victoria Junior College :D
Nanyang Technological University


picking at scabs and fascinating bruises,
184cm tall guys called weiyi :),
all things pretty,
making someone smile,
reading good stuff,
waking up late, making a pretty layout,
sleeping while a storm is raging,
an impeccable colour sense,
Paperchase products,
going overseas,
dark chocolate,
feeling accomplished :D,
watching movies,
my pink N73,
taking photos with my fabulous Canon Digital Ixus 860 IS,
Sakae Sushi buffet,
being pleasantly surprised,
shopping in general,
quality time with friends,


08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003
09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003
10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003
11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006
03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006
04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006
05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006
06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006
07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006
12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007
01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007
02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007
03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007
06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007
07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007
11/01/2008 - 12/01/2008
12/01/2008 - 01/01/2009
01/01/2009 - 02/01/2009
02/01/2009 - 03/01/2009
03/01/2009 - 04/01/2009
04/01/2009 - 05/01/2009
05/01/2009 - 06/01/2009
06/01/2009 - 07/01/2009


ke ai de LINGGA


In this tagboard, :) and :D will show up as they are. Aren't I brilliant!

Sunday, April 30, 2006


This version:

Not the UK version because it would clash with my collection. PLEASE? PLEASE?? I can't find it anywhere T_T

You know, today was supposed to be like E Math Mugging Day 1. I simmed till noon or so, had lunch, did less than an hour of reflections and rotations and actually went to sleep. UNBELIEVABLE. I passed out till, like, 6.30pm. Needless to say, I didn't do much revision today. I managed to finish the whole Transformation chapter, but that's about it. I tried to start on the Angle Properties Revision Exercise Mr Wong'd handed out lah, but I got stuck on the first question. How demoralising. So it's midnight now and I'm blogging =/ Some life.

I don't know WHAT grudge the mosquitoes bear towards me. They just hang out in my room all day long and suck blood from my arms and legs and feet. Talk about NO LIFE. I think I acquired a grand total of 11 bites today or something - I know my feet are itching like crazy. I'm currently wearing thick black socks to ward off the invasion, but my calves are unprotected like some all-you-can-eat blood buffet. Stupid mosquitoes. I don't see how I can rid my room of those pesky bugs, aside from calling in those pest control people (though I think you're supposed to call them only when the mozzies accumulate till the point when they fly in groups you can see black dots swimming in the air). IT IS IRRITATING.

ON A HAPPIER NOTE! X-Men 3 is coming out. WHOOP-DE-DOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe this day has finally come. 3 years back, I watched X-2 on my birthday with Grace and the rest, and after it ended I was SO SO SO disappointed that I would have to wait till the summer of 2006 for the next installment. AND NOW IT IS HERE, WO ZHONG YU DENG DAO LE! I am EBULLIENT XD Perhaps we shall watch it next Friday. And then there is also Da Vinci Code. Hohoho. I hope it shall be NC-16. Because if thus, I will, of course, be of legal age to watch it XDD

I guess I shall sleep ridiculously late tonight, on account of my 4 (or 5) hour nap just now. Perhaps more simming is in order :)

Lingga says @#%$! at 12:18 AM

Friday, April 28, 2006

Oh, I just read Ruru's blog, and everytime I finish reading Ruru's blog I will be tempted to insult somebody! So I shall.

Who watches Channel 8 during 7 to 8pm on weekdays? Bao Lian Deng? For the uninitiated, it is a China period drama, okay, about some kid called Chen Xiang with these two long locks of hair sprouting out of his hairline like they are feelers. I give you my honest opinion that I think China scriptwriters are even lousier than Singaporean scriptwriters. Like all China-Chinese shows the CGI graphics are grossly unconvincing, and the plot is filled with "catchy" phrases which are incredibly lame to the most possible extent. You know what I'm talking about. An example would be the Celestial Dog reciting with gusto everytime he needs to sniff out someone (yeah, sniff out someone) "QIAN LI WAN XUN, WAN LI ZUI ZONG!" (or something like that) and he does some complicated magic movement with his dogbone and hands (yawn). Then the editors insert this tres fake image of running clouds and the scenes zoom past until he finally locates the person he is searching for. Okay, it wouldn't be so bad if he did that once in a while, a very long while, but so far it seems that all the episodes I have had the misfortune of seeing (from the first episode onwards) there have been scenarios which require the Celestial Dog's magical locating powers. So he goes WAN LI ZUI ZONG! *complicated hand movement and dogbone and flying clouds* WAN LI ZUI ZONG! *complicated hand movement and dogbone and flying clouds* every single damn time until I want to throw the remote at the TV. It is impossible to describe how I feel when he does that, it is just so LAME so CRINGEWORTHY you just want to hide somewhere so shield yourself from the embarrassment that radiates out from the ENTIRE thing. Oh yes, there is another example in the show - WHY ARE CHINA SHOWS ALWAYS LIKE THIS - WHO THINKS THE ENDING THEME SONG SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS? WHO THINKS

niang shi WO DE QUAN BU
niang tong ku wo JIUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

REPEATED LIKE 17 TIMES WITH ORIENTAL UPBEAT AND SUPPOSEDLY CATCHY BACKGROUND MUSIC PLAYING IS ANNOYING? The male singer seems to sincerely mean the words with all his heart. His crooning just makes me want to cut off a certain part of his anatomy. It's not that his voice is bad, it's the song he's singing, it's his STUPIDITY I am in awe of, which singer would possible ALLOW himself to take on such a song? Anyone with half a brain CELL would REJECT singing this song as soon as it was passed to them, simply by looking at the nonsensical lyrics (HELLO? I don't give a damn about you being "bu xing fu" if your niang is in agony. SCREW YOUR NIANG AND YOU! SHUT THE HELL UP!). The song is so RIDICULOUS, so ABSURD, it makes me wonder if the producers had put it in as a joke. Where is the lyricist? I want to shoot the lyricist. This lyricist has been condemned together with the Guo Mei Mei Bu Pa Bu Pa lyricist. Although in this case I would say Bu Pa Bu Pa almost makes sense in comparison. I would take being unafraid of cockroaches over wailing about being sad because niang is sad ANY DAY. Any freaking day. OH MY GOD THE SONG SUCKS LAH, IT REALLY SUCKS, you should watch Ch 8 at 7.57pm just to listen to the song, it will traumatize you like hell because


IT STICKS IN YOUR HEAD! It won't go away! It just goes wo shi NIANG DE QUAN BU! niang shi WO DE QUAN BU! until you want to shoot yourself in the head! It's so horrible. I found myself, like, SINGING IT while I switched on the com, and I almost fainted with horror. What was I doing?? I was fraternizing with the enemy

Oh I want to go check my gmail account so I'll have to cut this short. I'm running out of descriptive words for horror anyway. So you have been WARNED about this. This. Menace. Beware.

Lingga says @#%$! at 10:59 PM

I realise it is not yet 2 May! But there's a long weekend (to quote Philip, who was trying to annoy Ms Heng, as he usually is doing during English, "how can a weekend be long? A weekend has only 2 days"), thanks to my birth, hence I'm taking a break. Hell, I have been taking many breaks since Wednesday, when Chem and Geog began and ended. I deserve those breaks! I was stressing myself out for A Math, Bio, SS, Geog and Chem you know :( I mugged so brilliantly that if I fail any of those tests, I can safely proclaim myself naturally stupid. I was so conscienctious (looks wrong. But whatever)! Hardworking! Poor me.

I have not started mugging for E Math. I find myself failing E Math most of the time. Why is that? It is even mroe depressing to fail E Math than A Math, because A Math everyone fails, but E Math is like. Easy. Supposedly. Anyway, to give a brief summary of my tests, I did my best for everything except Geog, and Bio. Geog I think there is a possibility I might fail. Because Chem was my priority that day, and all the wet rice cultivation shit I mugged didn't come out. The paper was more of an application paper. You can't just memorize stuff and spit them all out. Unlike the past few Geog papers I have taken, which is why I was scoring like ridiculously high for them. Oh well, should have known that it was all too good to last. At least I had my moments. And a giant Kit Kat bar from Mdm Neo.

So back to the tests. Chem was easy. Really. I think it was. So why does everyone raise an eyebrow when I tell them that? I thought A Math was easy too. I hope this isn't one of the times when I start thinking everything is easy, then end up failing them all. God couldn't be that cruel, right?

We had our NAPFA 5 items today. I managed to choke out a 59cm for Sit-and-Reach. I'm proud of that because it's a personal record :) I screwed up Standing Broad Jump miserably, though. I missed my C by 5cm. I can't be bothered to try again, because the number of times I did today only served to discourage me further, and seal forever the idea of myself being a failure at jumping long distances. It's quite a pity, but I realise I don't care about NAPFA anymore.

To talk about a completely different matter, I saw Ronald from 4/5 jump and land on his knees with a terrific commotion. I think he's lucky he didn't smash his face. Intitally I thought he'd broken both his knees (it was absurdly amusing), but he was alright, fortunately. I know it's completely unfeeling of me but I think it was funny.

The Workers' Party went around my block in a white lorry a while ago, urging with a loudspeaker for the residents to vote for Ong Ah Heng. It was really cool. The party members got to sit at the back and wave, and the lorry crawled on the roads slowly enough for them to yell out several messages regarding "our sacred votes". I didn't know Ong Ah Heng was in the Opposition. He used to present me all my scholarships in primary school. Did you know that the youngest girl in the Workers' Party was an ex-Andersonian?

I was reading in the afternoon this diary I had briefly when I was 10 years old. Needless to say it never went further than being 1/7 filled. Here's an excerpt.

1 November 2000

Yesterday was all bad luck. Hui Yi was showing us her Huan Zhu Ge Ge cards. There were about 20 to 30. I was looking at them enviously, because she had about 30 ober, and I only had 21. Then, a prefect (boy) sneaked up to me and said in a pompous voice, like he had caught 2 thieves "give me those cards,: I was so SURPRISED. I couldn't say a word, but to hand him the cards dumbly. Cheryl was caught too, with 2 cards. Then the prefect asked me and Cheryl to stand up, and I said "it's not mine, it's hers." I pointed to Hui Yi. (Some friend I am, right?) She and Cheryl were taken to see Mrs Wong.

It was about 10 minutes after they came back. Hui Yi was furious with me, but then just told me to forget it. I am giving her my extra cards, so she will have more.


Oh my God, I can't believe I caused my then-best-friend to lose all her cards!! I vaguely remember something like that, I guess, but nothing distinct. Anyway, what was UP with that prefect?? Okay, so he's a boy, so it figures, but why were sticker cards confiscated in primary school? What are they TRYING to do in primary school? Suffocate us all to death? Deprive us of our only source of temporary relief from school, that is, admiring Huan Zhu Ge Ge (it was very popular then, remember?) cards? Fucking bastard. If only I hadn't given up that prefect tie in P4! Then I could have stood up, showed him my badge and exchanged a few words with him prefect-to-prefect or something >.< Asshole. Alright, so he was older than me, but I am 100% positive I was taller than him. I would have stood up and spat on him. No one was taller than me then in primary school. I ruled!

Oh. Now I remember. I was once one of those assholes..! In Primary 3, I confiscated a bunch of Digimon cards from this poor boy on my schoolbus!!! OMG! It was like this HUGE stack! I took it home and threw them all away! Oh my freaking God, HOW COULD I HAVE DONE THAT? Imagine how his heart must have BLED!! Like Hui Yi's heart must have!! T_T The callous human being I was!

Also, in the later pages of the diary, I found a half-hearted entry scrawled on 17 October 2003.

I talked about myself getting into Anderson, and had written a simple I <3 Anderson.

I remember all the fun I had when I first came in. It makes me feel sorry for the Sec 1s of 2005 and 2006, because they have not had the chance to experience what I experienced as a Sec 1, which was, without a doubt, a thousand more times exciting and engaging than their Sec 1 years. I mean, I look at the student body now, and I feel this... loss. You don't see people like Walter and Jun Kiat and Melvin (hahaha just give up lah, Yan Qi) around anymore. Our Presidential Election in 2005 was a complete failure, the candidates were a complete failure. When they got on stage, I didn't feel like they could deliver ANYTHING. I didn't sense from them any of the enthusiasm I had from the previous batches of councillors, who had stood on stage and engaged and attracted us. I would say the recent 2 years can be counted as one of the lousiest years in Anderson history, in terms of "ren cai". I mean, I LOVED Anderson. I once DID.

Oh yes, I also saw this part I scribbled about myself having an intense crush on this Sec 2 councillor in 2003. According to my then 13-year-old self, I described him as "the most handsome guy I know". FUCKING HELL! I must have been blind as a bat then. I will of course, never ever reveal to you his name, for that would be social suicide, but I do assure you all it is not Melvin, though he was our peer leader and the crush of half the girls in our class o.O (Oh, how could they be so foolish. I suppose when you first step into secondary school life, you are disoriented, and will start giving away your affections readily).

Alright, enough revealing snippets about myself.

Due to increasing demand from people, here is a List Of Things I Would Want For My Birthday (in no particular order. I am simply recording whatever comes to mind).

1. 30 egg mayo sandwiches (though after eating them almost daily for a few weeks, the appeal is wearing off. However, I am still a fan).
2. The following books by Meg Cabot: Avalon High, Princess Diaries 7, Queen of Babble, Size 12 Is Not Fat
Does anyone love me enough to order from the last 3 books, because surely Singapore, being hopelessly backward in new releases, will not have them?
3. Any historical romances by Meg Cabot, under the name Patricia Cabot. The complete list can be found here.
4. Foxtrot comic strip books, borrowed from the library, as buying them would bankrupt you (excluding Foxtrot, Bury My Heart At Fun-Fun Mountain and Encyclopedia Brown, because I've only just read them. I don't mind reading the ones I've read a long time ago again)
5. Money.
6. Earrings. Shiny, silver dangling ones. Not too conspicious because I am not a wild woman. Also, call me boring, but I like stars.
7. Large sling bag. Something that looks velvet and soft. Perhaps brown. Preferably brandless, certainly not Billabong or Ripcurl. I am beginning to loathe those brands. Wayyyy too common.

Kindly do not give me anything to install in my computer. It is already suffocating due to lack of space. Furthermore, The Sims 2: Nightlife is still queueing up to be installed into the system, and thus there is no space for nothing else.

Alright, I know the list might be a little... "comprehensive". But when you love a person, you love all her sides, right? :) Even the picky sides. Hehe.

Lingga says @#%$! at 9:41 PM

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Hello, I am here without having viewed my own blog at all, so all tagboard comments shall be replied only after I return from my hiatus, which is after the exams, i.e. 2 May 2006. Yep, I'll be spending my birthday studying E Math. I think I'll put up my wishlist after my exams so I don't mind totally receiving my presents :) after the exams. Because I understand we're all mature and responsible 16 year olds who need to prioritize. Also, I think the person who set the exam timetable did it purposely, you know, she put all the non-studyable subjects (HMT, Lit) on the last few days before the weekend. So I end up with like 5 days to study E Math. I would rather have the time evenly spread out for Bio, Chem and A Math, you know.

See you all on 2 May :)

Lingga says @#%$! at 6:58 PM

Friday, April 14, 2006

Oh, looked through some of my juniors' blogs. They're all quite happy, which is good, because I was happy when I was in Sec 2 too. Except for Sherilyn who is despondent because she failed a Math test.

What can I say but BEEN THERE, DONE THAT?

They should let the seniors counsel the juniors. Back in Sec 2, I thought my life was falling apart when I failed Math. That I was stupid when I kept failing. Such an innocent girl I was... if some nice senior had told me Oh, that's what about 89% of us endured in Sec 2, too, I guess I wouldn't have been so depressed.

I think most students get by secondary school life failing at least 35% of all the math tests they take in those 4 years (unless you are Sonia, or Jeremy, or someone else equally freaky, I dunno). I certainly am one of them. Oh, fond memories of the lovely Lim Kiang Wee who would search so back-breakingly hard just to find me half a mark to give me 15/30. Not that he's willing lah, he's completely reluctant actually; his tiny tick and then the 1/2 he writes screams I DO NOT WANT TO BE HERE! I DO NOT I DO NOT! But he's a nice guy lah, so he can't help but want to pass me.

He was really a good teacher.

I miss the good old times when all that really mattered was checking out Lim Kiang Wee's butt in his tight jeans, and laughing at Sasa when she walked into a wall. And many other things.

(It still matters now, of course, and there's even Dennis Khoo to look out for - by the way I mean only the butt and nothing else, do not look scandalized - who has the roundest butt I've ever seen. Also I still laugh at Sasa when she walks into stuff. But as responsible, mature 16 year olds we must prioritize)

Instead, we age mercilessly and I am thrown into the present, where I have come a long way from the 168cm tall girl I was in Sec 1 to the 169.7cm tall girl I am in Sec 4. Not literally lah, in terms of height I obviously am not satisfied; look at my bloody juniors for God's sake. I have gained, and lost, many things. Some I wish I still held onto, but life goes on.

Some things will never happen twice. To quote Grace.

Lingga says @#%$! at 11:52 PM

I am not in the mood to blog because I have been slacking terribly hard. It makes me feel guilty. Also, I have not brought home half my homework, namely, the geog worksheets and lit unseen poem. Therefore, I am unable to complete half my homework, and it traumatizes me.

I am extremely upset over the A Math test on Thursday, kindly do not bring it up in front of me. Seriously. If not I shall be forced to dissolve into tears and evaporate and the world shall mourn the loss of an adorable girl.

I mean, I WAS SO INADEQUATELY PREPARED. What made me think I could go and take the test like that? I did not even understand HOW I solved the questions, I just SOLVE them. Hence during the exam when Mdm Wong phrased the questions in a completely different manner, I blanked out. I seriously completely blanked out. I didn't even have answers to the first 3 questions. All I did was to differentiate and that was it. I had all these numbers, all these numbers I was capable of applying and putting them together to solve something, yet I had no idea what my first step was going to be. I screwed up majorly. I am convinced that I will be landed with a single digit for this paper. I have never ever felt so dismal about a paper; it wasn't that I couldn't solve them, I mean, the steps were in my head, but I just didn't know what I was supposed to do because the questions were phrased differently. It was horrible to sit there, my mind was drawing a blank as I skipped the first question, then the second, then the third. I have never screwed up a paper so badly before, suddenly I have developed a phobia of all upcoming math tests.

Next week is Prelims English Oral week. I shall scream because I do not know how to prepare. Also Chem Practical on Monday. I actually like Qualitative Analysis (much better than Titration, thank you), particularly when you simply mix liquids and do not heat anything because secretly, I still fear switching on the gas tap.

I have about 7 days to study 8 subjects as my first tests on 24th April include English Paper 1 and OHMYFUCKINGGOD, A MATH A MATH A MATH, WHAT KIND OF IDIOT PUTS A MATH ON THE FIRST FUCKING DAY, MY GOD, I SHALL SHOOT THE IDIOT PERSONALLY

So many days have gone by, so many things to record! And I can't remember them now. =/ I enjoyed my 2.4km run though. I almost wanted to accompany Lijie on her run when I finished mine. But of course, I am not yet stupid. Instead we sat at the side and cheered them on. The school implemented some kind of computerized tracking system (which supposedly, the SAF uses or whatever, when they do their rounds around the track) which will automatically track your time and the number of rounds you did, and then in the end the computer will print out a nice neat sheet of paper with all the timings of the students who'd participated in the run. I got a B this year, which is quite disappointing from 12.36 (!!!) last year, but then of course I almost died during the run last year.

We stepped down from netball last week. It's unbelievable that 4 years back, I was being traumatized by the seniors every practice, and now, 4 years later, I am a senior and have left the team. I feel a slight, aching loss, but naturally I will go back and kajiao them after the exams.

Surprising how many things you realise you want to do when the exams are around the corner, and you are forced to shove everything till after the exams end, thinking Why the hell didn't I get it done 2 weeks back? Why?

I made a SHOCKING relevation today.

I cannot believe CA2 is in 9 days. I cannot freaking believe. There are less than 80 days left to the prep prelims, you realise?

Then why can't I get myself to buck up and mug??

Lingga says @#%$! at 11:29 PM

Monday, April 03, 2006

Alright, I didn't blog yesterday but I shall now, because THERE IS NO REMEDIAL TOMORROW =DD (the school gives us a break once every 2 weeks, unfortunately remedial resumes on Thursday though). Also, today I have no homework (honestly! unbelievably! rarely!), it is windy and looks like it is about to rain, and my stomach is satisfied from its Japanese food craving :)

So last week, Jin Ning and I went to J8 to shop for Amy's presents. OH before I embark on my journey let me recount my experience at Long John's Silver in J8. Hold on, I hear you ask. Where got Long John's? See! I also didn't know there was a LJS in there. It's this tiny, cramped little corner in the extended wing of J8 (at least, I think it's the extended wing. J8 has one of the messiest layouts of all the malls I've been to can), on the other end of KFC and McDonalds'. It's not visible when you come out through KFC and McDonalds', actually. You have to walk east further up before you actually SEE it.

So anyway, it's small, cramped, and crowded, but the 2 of us were eating there because LJS offers the cheaper fast food of all the choice we had, and we're cheapskates. The lady at the counter was shrewd, I'll give her that.

Me: I'll have the Pamper Me Meal please.
Lady: Coke, sprite or ice lemon tea Mam?
Me: Erm, coke.
Lady: (goes about preparing) That'll be $4.75 please.
Me: Erm, I want the $3.95 one. The one with the small coke.
Lady: Salad or coleslaw?
Me: (wonders how come the salad/coleslaw wasn't shown in the poster) Coleslaw.
Lady: Any upsize for 50 cents?
Me: No.
Lady: That'll be $4.95 please.
Me: (is stunned) I thought it was $3.95?
Lady: The coleslaw is $1.
Me: (is embarrassed) Oh. Erm, I'll have it without the coleslaw, thanks.

I am such a cheapskate, seriously. ANYWAY, cheapskate-ness aside. Take my word for it, don't go to the LJS at J8! It is tiny, cramped, and they cheat your money. One of the chicken pieces I got was the length of a pen and almost as thick as it was. They also fill your drink with lots and lots of ice cubes instead of coke. I don't mind this, because I can't drink, but for souls like Wenwen who gulp Coke like oxygen, this is a major factor.

We then proceeded to shop. We had decided our present would be an assortment of many, many, pretty and practical things which Amy could use. After about 3 hours of intensive shopping, we had managed to come up with 7 types of different items, ranging from earrings to nail polish to face masks. It turned out to be mostly grooming items and they were coincidentally, almost all pink. I had fun :)

Oh, we also went to Sweet Secrets and got her cake. Chocolate Tiramisu, and Mango Mirror. It looked positively, positively delicious. I can't imagine why no one's ever thought of it before, why don't we just give people food for their birthdays? Like cakes, brownies, cookies? Oreo cheesecake? EGG MAYO SANDWICHES? WHY?

I also went back and bought Nicky cheesecake for his birthday. I also bought Letch a pair of silver studs in the shape of hearts (hopeless romantic she is) from Perlini's Silver. I felt ridiculously accomplished after all that, settling so many people's presents at one go. Letch's present was the first one the whole year that I had managed to give on the birthday (28th Mar) itself.

Next day, Nicky shared his cheesecake with all of us. It was really, really good. I *heart* cheesecake. Nicky *heart* cheesecake. Everyone *heart* cheesecake, too!

We surprised Amy with all her goodies during recess, and she also shared her cake with everyone. Her mango cake had kind of collapsed -.- I think this was due to me stuffing the cakebox under Tammy's table, to hide it from Amy... Oh well. It would have tasted so much better cold, but no one was complaining. I'm glad she loved them all :)

Oh yeah, the day we gave everyone their presents (Tuesday) was the day that Mdm Lim made us do vertical running! We climbed up to the fifth floor, ran the stretch of corridor along the Art rooms on the very deserted fifth floor, then went down another staircase before running back to the original staircase we had climbed up. She made us do 7 rounds -.- The guys had to do 10 :)

It was torturous! But you get rather used to it after a while. Everyone was walking on the fifth floor. I sweated like a pig after everything, then Mdm Lim had us do group shuttle run. Thankfully it was only once.

There's PE tomorrow again >.< 2.4 run's on 18th April. I have no doubt I'll get at least a C lah, but it is still annoying to have to run every PE. Plus, you drench yourself in sweat after the whole lesson, which is disgusting.

Oh, out of total randomness, today Jia gave me one of those green tea muah chees (tiny flat round flour-covered flourballs with a green tea filling/or any other type of filling actually), and we both had fun squashing it into a pancake shape, and suggested McDonalds' sell them for breakfast. I *heart* squeezing muah chees.


Lingga says @#%$! at 4:49 PM

Saturday, April 01, 2006

So during training yesterday, we were duck-walking up the stairs leading from the canteen to the area outside the Home Econs room. Prior to the duck-walking, we were doing all sorts of hopping, first on one foot, than on the other, than on two feet, etc. Anyway, when I was duck-walking (you really squat all the way down, place one foot on the above stair and push yourself up. It is mortifying), my thighs were already whining from previous exertion. So perhaps I was slightly more weak than normal, and in my weakened state of mind, when I placed my left foot on the above stair and pushed with my right foot off the lower step, I felt myself tilt backward and I thought, Shit.

Then I somersaulted my way down maybe 7 steps and hit the railing with my right shoulder, where a bruise has now claimed territory. I'm surprised I didn't crack my head apart. Haha, I wasn't actually hurt, and when I sat upright I started laughing like silly because I thought it was hilarious! I know it was hilarious because Anna, that lousy ass, couldn't stop guffawing for the next 10 minutes. She was duck-walking next to me and had witnessed the entire incident. So did all my team mates and juniors =/ (Oh, the shame.) But she did say the way I fell wasn't too ugly, which makes me feel better I guess (though I suspect she was simply being nice because, really, nobody can not look stupid rolling down the stairs).

Oh, the strangest thing is that while I was doing my graceful somersaulting, everything was in slow-motion! You are like, suddenly very aware of what your body is doing. I felt very strongly the way my legs sailed over my head. Because I titled backwards, and my head was the minimum point (!!! HEY! MY BODY WAS A MAXIMUM CURVE!), but instead of doing a clean curve my legs veered towards the right awkwardly and I suppose then I crashed into the railing. So anyway, back to what I was feeling. I distinctly remembering going Shit, and then it was I'm rolling down the stairs! So this is how it feels like to roll down the stairs. Honest! I swear I am not exaggerating!

So yeah, everyone was like Oh my gosh! Are you alright? And I'm like, Really, I'm fine. I suppose when someone rolls down the stairs extra attention must be paid. I could have become STUPID you know!

Oh, and I had the funnest game of Hei Bai Pei with Nicky, ever, before training. I held Latha's plastic hangar in my hand and went menacingly, If you know what is good for you you will know what to do... everytime before we played. Haha. It was amusing.

At night, I met Lok at Northpoint to pick out a nice card for Bert, whose birth date we had got wrong, and for the entire of Friday I went about thinking about her birthday being on the 31st, when actually it was the 30th. *shrug* Oh well we missed her birthday lah! We were intending to surprise her with a cake by delivering it to her house Friday night, but since everyone we asked along couldn't make it, only Lok and I met up. Cards are the biggest rip-offs of all time. Die, Hallmark and Memory Lane, DIE!

Oh yes, he was dreadfully late, so I went to Popular first to look at the cards. I saw loads of appropriate ones for Grace because there were many pretty cows on them :)

After about 30 minutes of desperate browsing (Lok denounced half the cards we saw, saying "kan le hui bian ben"), Popular started to announce that there were 10 minutes to closing time. We finally decided on a sweet, deceptively simple card but GOD, THE PRICE, and paid for it. We also realised that neither of us had brought a pen along, so brilliantly Lok suggested running over to the stationery section and making full use of their ink testing services. While Lok lent his Popular card to this amusing auntie who asked him to lend her his card, I went over to the markers, ripped the plastic covering off (it was bound with tape) and scribbled on the card (my creative impulses sucked. Really.).

Then we took a bus to Bert's house and guess what, she wasn't home -.- We had expected this, because she hadn't replied to any of our calls, so we positioned the card on her metal door grille and left. I could hear Yes barking like mad inside though :)

So then we took a bus back to the interchange (90 cents gone like that T_T Lok could have gone over alone to leave the card and then walked home, but I guess I had nothing better to do). Then for the first time in my entire life, someone walked me all the way home :) I had given up hope of that ever happening, because no one lives near me anyway. But because Lok lives in a seemingly accessible place (it is somewhere in the middle of Yishun, though he says it is very ulu), there seems to be a way home from anywhere near the interchange. Hence he simply walked home after he left me at the lift. Such a nice boy.

You know, both Nicky and Lok mentioned my name and the word mature in the same context that day :) Nicky during hei bai pei and Lok online. It was purely coincidental, because I did not forcefully illicit any of such compliments from them. But still! 2 people! To say that I (me!) was mature! Without even any prompting from me!

Therefore I think 31 March was a very significant day for me in 2006, because for the first time I rolled down the stairs, wrote a birthday card I bought in Popular in Popular and using one of their pens some more, had someone walk me all the way home AND had 2 people say I was mature, all in the very same day! What accomplishments. =D

Will blog about my past week tomorrow, about shopping for Nicky's and Amy's presents, giving it to them, sharing in them xD, and also climbing 35 flights of stairs.

Happy waiting.

Lingga says @#%$! at 10:41 PM