Right, back from socializing! Faris had to like go pray. So I'm back to blogging. Everyone apparently had fun at their orientation as well! But I really do think it's your attitude that makes or breaks your orientation lah, if you're just not ON enough to do the cheers and dances you wouldn't enjoy them anyway. Thankfully I was very very very ON all the time.
Anyway, where was I? Perhaps I might elaborate on VJ discipline. Victorians are relaxed about (insignificant) stuff like uniform and hair (there's dyed hair, though fairly inconspicuous - I even saw this J2 with
red glitter sprinkled tastefully in her brown, ponytail-ed hair). Of course, ankle socks are religiously worn. But when the occasions call for it, they behave accordingly. They fall silent immediately when asked to by the principal and the MCs calm the screaming, shrieking, cheering orientation groups and OGLs by going "One silent clap" and the whole hall stops what they're doing, claps and shhhhhhhs, then the noise fades into oblivion. You try that in Anderson, you'll get laughed at -.- And seriously, at assembly, when the people on stage go, "College, at ease", everyone just relaxes and starts talking, and none of the teachers give a damn! Unlike Mr Ang, who will lecture for five minutes, then make us stay back after school or whatever. So what WAS the point, anyway, back in Anderson, when we had to keep staying back for five minutes to get lectured on about our lack of moral values??
Erm, sorry I digress where was I? Oh, them Victorians behaving accordingly. Well anyway, I suppose the only bad thing about Victorians would be that they cheer so much sometimes the MCs get fed up and threaten to deduct points from the offending OGs because they wouldn't shut up and let the event proceed. Haha. People cheer at the most random times. OGLs prompt cheering at any possible moment. It's quite fun once you train up the stamina :)
Oh our OG games were really lame -.- TJC's games sounded quite fun from what I read from Carrie's blog but ours were quite stupid for most of them (REALLY stupid, haha!) I suppose also because we didn't know one another really well either, and couldn't like go and make jokes about how dumb they were. I think the J2s had much more fun at the water games on the second day than us freshmen, people kept getting sabo-ed and dunked and one gamemaster even said she'd give the first OG to wet the other gamemaster 50 points. So the poor guy had to run for it while random guys went after him. Aww. Anyway, first 2 days my OG was more reserved and no one wanted to cheer (because we didn't remember them, honestly -.-), so the games were rather annoying, but third day everyone got high and were more thick-skinned (already well-trained by then) and remembered cheers and were enthusiastic! And it was so much more fun.
Mass dancing is cool if you, like all the OGLs, know the moves. It's even more cool if you do it together with other people who can execute the moves flawlessly, because you KNOW you look good and the whole thing is just very cool. Unfortunately I'm very far from that stage -.- I just jump up and down when people do their nifty footwork because I can't remember them. We have 6 mass dances, remember? I like 'Whiny whiny' the most :D I can't remember 'I want you' at all. The friendship dance is very cool but unfortunately I'm (still) playing the guy and Lijie is (still) playing the girl (like our Campfire Nite dance!) because I'm taller and I really like the song! It would be lovely if I remembered all the moves, but I don't :(
I love my arts fac seniors, they are
super cool, super fun and CRAZY! When the sci fac had to go like listen to a talk in the hall about SPA/SRP (NO MORE SPA! EVER!), the arts fac was called to one of the LTs and the arts fac seniors talked to us, taught us arts fac cheers and told us to scorn the sci fac, because unlike them we don't have to do lame stuff like SPA or whatever. I love the insult-sci-fac cheer because it's very ironic and if you're in on the joke, like all of the arts fac is, you feel like you know this secret and it's very bonding :)
Erm, unfortunately I spent my first CT meeting with the wrong class because I was put into the history class by mistake (I had submitted conflicting courses but this mistake was later rectified and I'm now in the same class as Sasa, Jin Ning, Sook Mui and Naomi, all the Andersonians taking arts). I quite liked A0713 leh =x We had this "mad freak" (to quote this Cath High guy) as a CT, he was really weird and all the arts fac seniors warned us about him, saying "you guys will meet this really weird teacher but we won't tell you who it is, you will see for yourselves soon", and A0713 immediately knew who it was -.- This is because towards the end of the meeting with our CT -
CT: Sometimes we conduct random bag checks. *goes to this inconspicuous little Cath High boy (not the abovementioned one who coined "mad freak"), picks up his bag and ransacks through it*
Class: *watches emotionlessly, except perhaps for little Cath High boy*
CT: If we find stuff we're not supposed to find, *goes to open door and throws entire bag out* this is what happens.
Class: .......!!!!!!!
So anyway, this sort of experience obviously only serves to bond the whole class, and we went through the whole introduction routine and shit already, and I really liked my A0613 seniors, and we already started on Angel and Mortal, and I met this really nice PLMGS girl whom I got along really well with, and now I have to leave! Oh, good grief. But I shouldn't complain, because there's Sasa and Jin Ning in A0714, what :D
Monday afternoon we'll be at East Coast Park, monday evening we'll be doing our mass dance at Suntec City! This is apparently the first year VJ got official permission from Suntec to dance at the fountain of wealth, as opposed to previous years when they went and danced illegally and always kena-complained by Suntec, so it's a big thing! I'm very proud of VJ's mass dances, I think they are awesome and very entertaining, and our darling OGLs all look so darn good doing it! Lijie and I are sure to mess up very badly but we're sure we'll still have fun doing it anyway :)
But I still miss Anderson very much. I saw these Andersonians going to school first day of school, and I stood next to this Sec 1 girl who was starting her first day as an Andersonian, and I thought it was very symbolic, you know, the Andersonian who's finished her journey and the Andersonian who's just starting hers. I miss our cheer and our school song and the canteen food and knowing everyone in our level and waving at people in the canteen and bumping into familiar faces everywhere in school! I miss being an Andersonian and I've never said this, but I miss the sense of belonging I get every time I see people in our school uniform. It's different, you don't get that in VJ, the feeling will probably never be the same either. I miss all of you guys, my darling 4/4 and 2/7!
Next Sat is CCA open house, do let's go back :)